January 31 Members-Only Winter Potluck Hefner Park Community Center
February 21 Overcoming Fears of Pruning with Josh Demers, Brookside Gardens Horticulturalist Location: Historic Takoma 7328 Carroll Ave, Takoma Park, MD 7:30-9:00 pm Doors open at 7:00pm
March 20 Gardening with Rocks with Thomas Crawley North American Rock Garden Society. Location: Historic Takoma 7328 Carroll Ave, Takoma Park, MD 7:30-9:00 pm Doors open at 7:00pm
April 17 Green Evening with a panel of local groups focusing on environmental sustainability.
April 24 CENTENNIAL GARDEN Workday 4:00-5:00 pm
May 7 Private Tour of Pope Farm
May 18 CENTENNIAL GARDEN Workday 4:00-5:00pm pm
May 19 Spring Plant Exchange at Koiner Farm 1:00 – 3:00pm
JUNE OPEN GARDENS Free and open to the public Fridays from 5:30 – 7:30pm Additional details will be on the listserve
June 7 Diana Vidutis
June 14 Betsy Scroggs
June 21 No Open Garden
June 29 Saturday 10 – noon EVENT CANCELLED Hopefully to be re-scheduled in June 2025 Special Greenbelt Mini-Garden Tour- Four gardens
JULY 4 TAKOMA PARK PARADE Join us for the fun! All are welcome! Look for details on the listserve