We are proud to be one of the oldest garden clubs in the country and welcome all who are interested in sharing and expanding their love of gardening. We garden in Takoma Park and surrounding areas including the District of Columbia, and Montgomery and Prince Georges County, Maryland.


Black Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia fulgida in the late summer garden

Takoma Horticultural Club, or THC, is among the oldest, continuously active garden clubs in the nation. Each month throughout the year the club sponsors speakers, workshops, trips, or Open Garden visits. Special members’ events include two plant exchanges, two potluck dinners, special trips and even a free garden consultation for new members.  


Black Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia fulgida in the late summer garden

Takoma Horticultural Club, or THC, is among the oldest, continuously active garden clubs in the nation. Each month throughout the year the club sponsors speakers, workshops, trips, or Open Garden visits. Special members’ events include two plant exchanges, two potluck dinners and special trips. 

2025 Upcoming Events

See our Groups.IO list serve for additional details. 

Jan.22  Members-Only Winter Potluck and plant exchange Heffner Community Center 6:30pm Doors open at 6:00

Feb.19  Native Orchids with Carol Allen at HIstoric Takoma 7:30pm Doors open at 7:00

Mar.19  Seasonal Interest Using Native Plants with Drew Asbury at HIstoric Takoma 7:30pm Doors open at 7:00

April 16  Managing Garden Pests with Marie Rojas at HIstoric Takoma 7:30pm Doors open at 7:00

2023 Takoma Park 4th of July Parade

First Place winners for parade theme – Celebrating Democracy!

The THC marchers at the 2023 4th of July parade with a wagon full of red, white and blue flowers and a sign that says "Democracy and plants die in darkness".


Granddaughter and grandmother clasping a handful of soil with a seedling growing in it.

Please note: Our THC dues are now $15 for the calendar year

Although many of our events are open to the public, some are for members only. For only $15. per year you can enjoy these special members-only benefits and support all the Club’s activities:

    • Plant exchanges
    • Potlucks
    • Special trips & workshops

We welcome your membership!

2024 Events

See our listserve for additional details

January 31  Members-Only Winter Potluck Hefner Park Community Center

February 21  Overcoming Fears of Pruning with Josh Demers, Brookside Gardens Horticulturalist          Location: Historic Takoma
7328 Carroll Ave, Takoma Park, MD   7:30-9:00 pm Doors open at 7:00pm

March 20  Gardening with Rocks with Thomas Crawley North American Rock Garden Society.                             Location: Historic Takoma   7328 Carroll Ave, Takoma Park, MD  7:30-9:00 pm Doors open at 7:00pm

April 17 Green Evening with a panel of local groups focusing on environmental sustainability.                  Location: Historic Takoma  7328 Carroll Ave, Takoma Park, MD   7:30-9:00 pm Doors open at 7:00pm

April 24 CENTENNIAL GARDEN Workday 4:00-5:00pm pm

May 7  Private Tour of Pope Farm

May 18 CENTENNIAL GARDEN Workday 4:00-5:00pm pm

May 19  Spring Plant Exchange at Koiner Farm 1- 3:00pm

JUNE OPEN GARDENS Free and open to the public Fridays from 5:30 -7:30pm Additional details will be on the listserve

  June 7  Diana Vidutis

 June 14  Betsy Scroggs 

June 21  No Open Garden

 June 29  Saturday 10 – noon EVENT CANCELLED Hopefully to be re-scheduled in June 2025 Special Greenbelt Mini-Garden Tour- Four gardens 

JULY 4 TAKOMA PARK PARADE Join the fun and march with us! All are welcome! Look for details on the listserve

Club members marching in the 4th of July parade with a sign that says: Democracy and Plants Die in Darkness".
At an open garden event, people listening to the owner explain how the stormwater pond works to slow runoff from the roof.
At an open garden in June


Hands of granddaughter and grandmother holding a plant in soil.

Although many of our events are open to the public, many are for members only. For only $12 per year you can enjoy these special members-only benefits and support all the Club’s activities:

    • Plant exchanges
    • Potlucks
    • Special trips & workshops
    • Garden consults

We welcome your  membership!

The Centennial Garden

The THC rhododendron logo

In 2016, to mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Takoma Horticultural Club, the Club decided to create a permanent memorial garden. Club leaders approached the City of Takoma Park with the request for a suitable spot. After looking at several parks and other spaces, the Club chose the empty lot at the corner of Piney Branch and Philadelphia. It presented many challenges – busy street traffic, compacted soil, a lot of shade, and use as a cut-through by pedestrians. Members of the THC worked with city staff to clear out weedy vegetation, spread leaf mold and wood chips, and level the site in preparation for planting… Read More

We welcome volunteers at the Centennial Garden workdays, held every month during the growing season. Look for announcements on the THC listserv or on our Facebook page. If you have questions about volunteering, please contact volunteer@takomahort.org. It’s a fun way to get to know the garden and your fellow club members, learn about plants and contribute to beautifying our community!

Centennial Garden path

The Centennial Garden

The THC rhododendron logo

In 2016, to mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Takoma Horticultural Club, the Club decided to create a permanent memorial garden. Club leaders approached the City of Takoma Park with the request for a suitable spot. After looking at several parks and other spaces, the Club chose the empty lot at the corner of Piney Branch and Philadelphia. It presented many challenges – busy street traffic, compacted soil, a lot of shade, and use as a cut-through by pedestrians. Members of the THC worked with city staff to clear out weedy vegetation, spread leaf mold and wood chips, and level the site in preparation for planting… Read More

Centennial Garden path

We welcome volunteers at the Centennial Garden workdays, held every month during the growing season. Look for announcements on the THC listserv or on our Facebook page. If you have questions about volunteering, please contact volunteer@takomahort.org. It’s a fun way to get to know the garden and your fellow club members, learn about plants and contribute to beautifying our community!

The Centennial Garden

The THC rhododendron logo
Centennial Garden path

In 2016, to mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Takoma Horticultural Club, the Club decided to create a permanent memorial garden. Club leaders approached the City of Takoma Park with the request for a suitable spot. After looking at several parks and other spaces, the Club chose the empty lot at the corner of Piney Branch and Philadelphia. It presented many challenges – busy street traffic, compacted soil, a lot of shade, and use as a cut-through by pedestrians. Members of the THC worked with city staff to clear out weedy vegetation, spread leaf mold and wood chips, and level the site in preparation for planting… Read More

We welcome volunteers at the Centennial Garden workdays, held every month during the growing season. Look for announcements on the THC listserv or on our Facebook page. If you have a question about volunteering, please contact volunteer@takomahort.org. It’s a fun way to get to know the garden and your fellow club members, learn about plants and contribute to beautifying our community!


Centennial Garden planting Group

Donate to Takoma Hort

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Centennial Garden planting Group

Donate to Takoma Hort Club

The THC rhododendron logo
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